Men's Ministry

"Have nothing to do with irreverent, silly myths. Rather train yourself for godliness" - 1 Timothy 4:7
While there are many clear commands given to the believer to progressively pursue godliness in his walk with Christ, it is 1 Timothy 4:7 that has served as the scriptural impetus for this whole study. In that passage Paul commands Timothy, and by implication all of us to, “train yourself to godliness.” The Greek word often translated as “train” literally means, “to control oneself by or thorough discipline.” Paul is also clear that this training has a specific direction and is unto “godliness.” The Greek term for godliness means “awesome respect accorded to God.” Thus, godliness is really an internal attitude of God centeredness that leads to external acts of Christ likeness! Godliness is a life that is focused on God and a life that is lived out for God. This is what Timothy, and every follower of Christ is not only called to but were saved for (Rom 8:28-29; 2 Cor 3:18; Eph 1:4; Col 3:10).

Living Godly in an Ungodly World

Bible Study | Bi-weekly Saturdays 8:00 - 9:00 AM
